Between Mar 2020 and Jan 2021, we live-broadcast 25 two-hour programmes on our YouTube channel. The programmes document our digital ecosystem experiments and virtual collaborations.

ARCHIVE March 2020 ~ Jan 2021

Microworld@HOME 24: The Big Button / Sat 12 Dec
New creatures and experiments with touchfree interaction in our digital ecosystem and live sounds from Julia Schauerman.

Microworld@HOME 23: Millersville & Swarm 2 / Wed 27 Oct
Joining forces with students from Millersville University, Pennsylvania and swarming pixels in our digital ecosphere. With live electroacoustics from our resident sound artist Julia Schauerman.
Microworld@HOME 22: Swarm part 1 / Wed 21 Oct
Warming up for another series of live-streaming and exploring repulsion in our digital ecosphere.

Microworld@HOME 21: The Conversation / Wed 9 Sept
Tentacular disruptions in the digital ecosphere. With live electroacoustics from our visiting resident sound artist Julia Schauerman.

Microworld@HOME 20: WET / Wed 2 Sept
Getting ready for SparkleVerse and experiments with liquids from under the sink + live sound from Julia Schauerman.
Microworld@HOME 19: Expanded Cinema / Wed 26 Aug
Travelling through Stargate and films that eat themselves. Participating artists: Jonathan Armour, Svetlana Ochkovskaya, Sandra Crisp, Simon Rae, David Viey, David Theobald, Stephen Carley and live sounds from Julia Schauerman.
Microworld@HOME 18: mid-week experiments / Wed 12 Aug
Experiments with lenses, feedback and beetles. Live sound from Julia Schauerman.
Microworld@HOME 17: Kinetic Squid and noodles / Sat 8 Aug
Our continuing adventures in digital ecosystems and visiting old friends.
This is an edited video of our Sat 1st Aug live-stream

Microworld@HOME 16: The Lost Aquarium / Sat 1 Aug
Our continuing adventures in digital ecosystems and a return to water.
This is an edited video of our Sat 1st Aug live-stream

Microworld@HOME 15: Conway Hall / Sat 25 Jul
Part of the ALT ART ED event (Slow) Marathon which took place on Zoom and YouTube. Using our web-based bot maker “Conway Hall” participants designed sprites, gave them motivations and released them into the Microworld.

Microworld@HOME 14: The Road to Conway Hall / Sat 18 Jul
Continuing our adventures in digital ecosystems and celebrating ALT ART ED. This week it’s all about Computers + Art + Education + Entertainment as we get ready for next week’s (Slow) Marathon.
Microworld@HOME 13: The Flesh 2.0 / Sat 11 Jul
Following a stuttering start, we continue our adventures in digital ecosystems and riffing on J. D. Bernal’s novel The World, the Flesh and the Devil. Are we at an evolutionary dead end? Genetic Moo and friends have another go at “Flesh”. Includes adult imagery. Participating artists: Jonathan Armour, Sean Clark, Svetlana Ochkovskaya, Simon Rae, Julia Schauerman, David Viey.
Microworld@HOME 12: The Flesh / Sat 4 Jul
Signal failure meant that this live-stream ended 20 mins into our two hour programme.
So we revisited the theme on Sat 11 Jul inspired by J. D. Bernal’s novel The World, the Flesh and the Devil described “the most brilliant attempt at scientific prediction ever made”. This short programme includes works by David Viey and Simon Rae.

Microworld@HOME 11: Midsummer / Sat 27 Jun
This week, the brightest of the year, we battle the transient forces of darkness and take respite in Japanese formalism and the lockdown minimalist cinema of Ozu. “The imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”. Participating artists: Julia Schauerman, Ed Kelly & Simon Limbrick, Jockel Liess, David Theobald, David Viey, Stephen Carley, Simon Rae and Sean Clark

Microworld@HOME 10: The World, The Flesh and The Devil / 20 Jun 2020
This week, the sea people are biologically modified to live in space colonies created from hollowed-out asteroids. Featuring creative coding chaos and cosmic audio live from Margate. Participating artists: Sean Clark, Sandra Crisp, Svetlana Ochkovskaya, Zachary Aghaizu, Ed Kelly, David Viey, Simon Rae and Julia Schauerman

Microworld@HOME 9: Life and Death on the Sugarscape / 13 Jun 2020
This week, we explore life and death on the sugarscape, including creative coding chaos on the grid, collaborative mashups and Genetic Moo’s ever-expanding virtual menagerie. Participating artists: Sean Clark, Julia Schauerman, Simon Rae, Ed Kelly, Sandra Crisp, Jonathan Armour

Microworld@HOME 8: Biogenic City / 6 Jun 2020
The sea people have landed and begin to build a home. With self-replicating cranes; biogenic blueprints; assorted shellfish and an army of termites, their niche constructions take shape. Participating artists: Sean Clark, Eva Pascoe, Julia Schauerman, Simon Rae, Jonathan Armour, David Viey, Stephen Carley
Microworld@HOME 7: Sous les Pavés la Plage / 30 may 2020
Live from Margate with troglodyte duo Genetic Moo excavating generative art gems from their digital cave. In the mix, live streamed music from Julia Schauerman in Sheffield, video works from Stephen Carley, Pixelthing apps from Sean Clark. And everything buried in slabs of audio concrete.
CAS presents Microworld@HOME 6 / 23 May 2020
This week, a Saturday night special in our digital ecosystem with CAS, who’ll be running a simultaneous social event on Zoom. For more information visit: CAS&Microworld@HOME
Microworld@HOME 5: visual cascades / 16 May 2020
Further adventures in digital ecosystems. This week we’re experimenting with dynamic landscapes and twitching creatures.
Microworld@HOME 4: TESTBED / 9 May 2020
Continuing adventures in digital ecosystems. This week we’re experimenting with visual oscillations and new works seapeople and zooids. Sean Clark will be joining in with his connected art systems
Microworld@HOME 3 / 2 May 2020
Microworld is a digital ecosystem – multiple computers, projectors and sensors enable different digital creatures to interact with each other in complex chains of action and reaction. Our first Microworld@HOME on Youtube.
Microworld@HOME 2 / 25 April 2020
Prior to live-streaming on YouTube, we had a go on TWITCH. This was not archived.
Microworld@HOME 1: the beginning / 30 March 2020
During lockdown we had the opportunity to work on projects that we’ve never had time to. One of them is “Microworld@Home”. This video was inspired by Thinking Space a Spare Tyre commission for its associate artists. This commission encouraged us to get our Microworld started and it’s a pleasure to share our early “at home” experiments with you. We hope you enjoy it and meeting the creatures sharing our space.